curating and producing your happy home

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— Story —

Happy homemaking for happy life living.  


The art of homemaking is the process of curating meaningful and useful objects (furniture, art, mementos, family heirlooms, lighting, etc) so that they work toward a sense of personal expression and comfort.  It is the process of cultivating harmony and functionality.  It is about relationships, or more precisely, it is ecology.  

Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, "house", or "environment"; -λογία, "study of"); 

the study of interactions and relationships of organisms with their environment.  

In considering your living space through the lens of ecology we can foster healthy relationships of the objects and the people housed there to create a happy home - object to object, object to people, people to people. 


ABOUT Jennifer

My love for all things home started as a kid. My grandmother says I’ve always had a compulsion to “make it nice,” arranging flowers, fluffing pillows, obsessively positioning tchotchkes around the house just so.

As a student of anthropology and philosophy, my academics evolved into a passion for aesthetic expression in all areas of culture from architecture to mythology, textiles to cuisine. I developed an intense appreciation for deep sensory experiences and find great satisfaction in creating meaningful sensory experiences for others.  

My professional experience straddles careers in hospitality and fashion spanning over 15 years in New York City. I'm thrilled to take my skills in systems building, project management, event planning, logistics, design and customer service and use them to do what I truly love - happy homemaking and, ya know, making it nice. Yay! My interior design practice is based in the beautiful NY Hudson Valley where I have been happy homemaking for almost a decade.

Coming this spring!

I’m so excited to announce my role as lead interior designer in the new HGTV Series “Who’s Afraid of a Cheap Old House!”

I’ll be teaming up with my friends and fellow old-home enthusiasts, Ethan and Elizabeth Finkelstein to explore historic homes in Upstate New York. Together we’ll be taking the homeowners on an educational journey from the past lives of their house to the present creation of their dream home. Stay tuned for air dates!


  • Principle of JLS Lifestyle Consulting, LLC

  • Lead Interior Designer for HGTV Series “Who’s Afraid of a Cheap Old House”

  • Founder of Hinterland, an emerging destination in the heart of the Catskills for all things beautiful and delicious and tidy, but WILD.

  • Foundering member and art director of the Hinterland Co-operative

  • Executive Director of the Kingston Design Connection

  • Participant Designer of the Kingston Design Showhouse: 2019, 2020, 2021

Interviews & Press